
HTMLy v2.9.6 CVE-2024-34191


CVE-2024-34191 affects HTMly v2.9.6
danprosUpdated May 14, 2024
This vulnerability allows attackers delete arbitrary files on the system due to a directory traversal flaw
Directory traversal vulnerabilities were found in https://github.com/danpros/htmly v2.9.6
These vulnerability allows the create files anywhere on the server, or delete any files on the server, and stem from insufficient checks to the $file and $category variable.
These vulnerabilities can only be triggered if a user has a valid account, and is logged in.

Directory traversal

Directory Traversal 1

Location: admin.php, lines 222, 224, 227, add_content() function
  • When creating a new post, special characters can be added in the category input. This vulnerability is also present in the edit post functionality
  • This results in the post folder being created in places other than the content folder
Suggested remediation
  • Only allow alphanumeric characters to be part of the category. Proactively strip all special characters
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We can create folders in the root directory
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Vulnerability lies in insufficient sanitization and checks done to the $category variable that allows path traversal
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Directory Traversal 2

Location: admin.php, lines 895, delete_post() function
  • When an admin or editor is deleting a post, they can intercept the request and modify file to any file on the server
  • When an author is deleting a post, they can intercept the request and craft a valid file variable to point to any file on the server
  • This results in the ability to delete any file on the server
Suggested remediation
  • Whitelist and check the file variable, and make sure it only comes from content
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When an admin deletes a post, they can just rename the file to any file on the server
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When an author deletes a post, it needs to be crafted in such a way that the second variable in the slashes is equal to the username content/username/../../TESTFILE.txt
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file deleted
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The vulnerability lies in insufficient checks on the variable $file, which allows the attacker to specify any file they want. Since there are no checks to the location of $file and $deleted_content, the default targets are files relative to the root folder.
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Directory Traversal 3

Location: admin.php, lines 921, delete_page() function
  • Only admins can create or delete pages
  • When an admin is deleting a page, they can intercept the request and modify file to any file on the server
  • This results in the ability of an admin to delete any file on the server
Suggested remediation
  • Whitelist and check the $file variable, and make sure it only comes from content
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The vulnerability lies in insufficient checks on the variable $file, which allows the attacker to specify any file they want. Since there are no checks to the location of $file and $deleted_content, the default targets are files relative to the root folder.
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I helped to create a PR which fixed this vulnerability
addressed path traversal vulnerability
I used realpath($file); to resolve all directory traversal characters like ../ to get the actual file path resolved
Then I checked if the file path exists within the allowed folder, which is in this case it’s content/
$contentDir = $cwd . '\content'; // if the file path does not start with $contentDir, it means its accessing // files in folders other than content if (strpos($realFilePath, $contentDir) !== 0) { return; }