
New Place

I’ve tried Wordpress and I’ve tried gitbooks. Both were not intuitive or easy to write technical materials.
Notion Desktop app seems to be a great platform, as it supports easy copying and pasting and a very fluid editor. I’ve used it a lot for various things like taking notes for my OSWE exam, as a calendar, as a goal tracker and various other notes.
I might retire osfork.com on Wordpress as editing on the browser, and just using Wordpress alone is really a pain for technical writing.
<p> Its so easy to write code blocks in Notion! </p>
Gitbooks was definitely better than Wordpress, but it still had its quirks that set a tiny barrier to write, and unfortunately any sort of barrier is bad enough to deter me from writing.
The only downside is that there’s no custom domains on notion, and I’ll have to do some rerouting on a notion publisher that charges USD$16 a month. I’ll probably just stick to the free tier and use their free domain, it’s not too bad(?)
Never too late to start another 🙂
Aug 3, 2023